Implant Dentures Glastonbury
A Durable New Smile You Can Appreciate

Do you suffer from tooth loss? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are missing one or more teeth, causing them to rely on tooth-replacement solutions to perform everyday tasks. While dentures are a traditional option, they often slip out of place, leading to potentially embarrassing moments. At Glastonbury Dental Associates, we can ensure your new teeth stay exactly where they need to be with sturdy dental implants. To learn more about implant dentures, continue reading or schedule a consultation with our team today!
What are Implant Dentures?

Unlike traditional dentures, implant dentures are anchored to small titanium posts that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Since implants are considered biocompatible, they naturally fuse with the surrounding bone tissue via a natural process called osseointegration. Thanks to their unique placement, dental implants can successfully replace the entire structure of missing teeth, from the root up to the chewing surface.
Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

Sometimes called a hybrid prosthesis, fixed implant dentures are permanently attached to dental implants. They can only be removed by your implant dentures in Glastonbury. As a result, your smile will feel and function like natural because you’ll never have to worry about removing them – not even to care for them! All you have to do is brush, floss, and rinse as you would with your natural teeth.
Removable Implant Dentures

Removable implant dentures are sometimes referred to as overdentures or Snap-On dentures. They can be taken out whenever you want without the help of a dental professional. Usually, removable implant dentures can be fixed in place with fewer dental implants, making them a great option for patients who have experienced jawbone deterioration.
The Implant Denture Procedure

The first step on your journey toward a newly rebuilt smile is a consultation with our team. We’ll conduct a detailed examination and determine whether or not you’re eligible for implant dentures. Depending on the state of your oral health, you may need to undergo certain preliminary procedures like bone grafting before moving forward with implant placement.
Our practice partners with local specialists to ensure you get the best results possible. Following your surgery, the implants will fuse with the jawbone via osseointegration, which can take three to six months to complete. After that’s done, we’ll place metal connectors called abutments on them. Finally, your custom-made implant denture will be secured in place!
Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Most people with missing teeth are good candidates for dental implants. However, you typically need to meet these qualities to be able to move forward with the process:
- No existing oral health problems
- Sufficient jawbone density to support the osseointegration process
- Commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene
Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

By choosing to get implant dentures in Glastonbury, you can expect to enjoy many incredible benefits. Some of those include:
- Natural-looking results
- Restored bite force so you can eat all your favorite foods
- Prevent bone loss in your jaw
- Long-lasting solution with proper care
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